Is there a newer version of CARNIVORE, the governments email spy software?

can anyone tell me where to get spy software and hardware?

And please tell me about any known means of spying on people.


Favorite Answer

Yes, and no. The government agencies no longer use Carnivore, simply because widely available tools have become better and more useful. Quite frankly, a linux machine running tcpdump, snort, nessus, nagios, mrtg, rrdtool, ntop, and other packages can provide any degree of granularity you wish to see.

dualmp2006-07-07T20:20:56Z is a website that sells great programs that you can install on your computer

As for the goverment the last that I have heard they still use the program but I don't think they do. They have gotten with AT&T and are now capturing all the data and voice communications that go threw there service. AT&T have violated several laws by doing with without a court order and they are getting sued quite badly.

If you want a piece of hardware to capture all things typed on a computer they sell a link that you plug in the back of the computer keyboard that will record everything you type. But I would go with the software it might cost about 70 bucks but you will get EVERYTHING.