Is Ron Simmons still Wrestling?


Favorite Answer

no...he retired due to his bad back


i don't understand, yet Ron Simmons is an effective wrestler, and in the journey that they do make this tale line i imagine it's going to be an effective probability for Ron to tutor that he's larger as someone competitor, quite then a tag crew competitor(it truly isn't any longer some thing adverse to the A.P.A.). besides Santino needs an effective beat down.

UFC middleweight2006-07-09T12:51:06Z

definately not.
i think he's doing PR stuff for WWE
he was in Kuwait w/ Jimmy Hart lately

Points whore2006-07-09T11:49:02Z

I heard he was in japan, but he is in his fifties now, should be retired.


i heard that he was gonna be the ref in the punjabi prison match

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