Why are some people...?

so full of crap? I mean this in a serious way. Why is it they expound their own virtues while being incredibly facetious and tiresome?

How many people do you know that are like this? And what do you think is the root cause of their lameness?


mall dog - perhaps this hit a little too close to home for you sugar? Pull up your big girl panties it will be okay.


danica - not very insightful, but thanks...


poor poor delusional Jd *pats head*


Favorite Answer

Yet another symptom of NECBS. Not Enough Cow Bell Syndrome.

Brad Beerdrinker2006-07-11T10:20:24Z

A lot of people are without original thought. They act as they see others acting. People want to be right and they want to be accepted as equals. This often leads to them being shallow, and tiresome, lame, unoriginal, etc. You might call this conditioning. Man is evil at his core and shouldn't be trusted. I know people like this and I am not one of them. Most people are this way though, unfortunately. They all want to be the same shitty person I suppose.

Devon L2006-07-10T11:00:18Z

Most people have a low self esteem.

80% of the people I come into contact with on a daily basis are like this.

It's tough just getting through the day without jabbing a pen into someones jugular.

Have a nice day! :)


I would have to say, in all seriousness, that crap-itude is in the eye of the beholder. To themselves, they are a laugh riot. They are the funniest thing that has ever come out of diapers (which an appreciable percentage of them may, in fact, have done).
The root causes of their self-absorption and lack of perspective ... a derth of mirrors in their homes.


I think a lot of people love the sound of their own voice and have truly never learned the art of listening. This "selfishness" is becoming more prevalent every day.

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