What do total pionts and levels meen and how do I get them?


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Total points are the number of points you currently have.

5 Points are needed to ask a question (-5) and 2 are given for a answer given (+2) You get ten if your answer gets chosen as the best answer (+10) and 1 if you vote for a best answer.(+1)

When you reach a certain amount of points, you go to a higher level and you get a reward for reaching a new level.

See the site below for more info (Yahoo site)


You get points by answering questions, selecting best answers for resolved questions and having your answers selected as Best Answer.

Rising up each level gives you more chances to do what you have been doing.

Level 5 is the keep to unlimited answers.

You need to get a good ration between answers given and answers selected as Best Answer.

Talk to Kevin and Jane. They are one and two in overall standing and have a 50% and 45% selection rate, respectively.


Just keep answering or rating. I'm on level 3 though and have seen no REWARDS except that I can ask and answer more questions than people on lower levels.


if you answer questions you will get 10 or 2 points if you ask a question you will get 5 points taken away.

♥ Snowflake ♥2006-07-10T19:47:09Z

Check this out... http://answers.yahoo.com/info/scoring_system.php

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