How can I clear up the water in my pond without harming the fish.?

My water got green and yucky in a matter of days. The stuff at the stores are super expensive. I was hoping for a home remedy as I am super tired of cleaning out that dumb little sponge filter!!!! Thanks so much.


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i have a pond too. i use this stuff called algaefix or something like that. its at walmart for like 6-10 dollars. it might not be algaefix, there are different kinds every time i go. basically the same stuff with different names


NEVER USE COPPER PRODUCT IN FISH POND as in one of these answers, try covering water surface with plants like water lilies and hyacinth, water lettuce, etc, any kind of shade
also reduce the number of fish, more fish =more poop=more food for algae There are algacides but you don't want to have to use continuously Good Luck


We have a 3/4 acre stocked pond that will get green algae once the sun begins to warm the water. We use copper sulfate to control the algae growth.


Some people use water plants to help with this.