Do you like to do crossword puzzles?
I enjoy doing a crossword every night before I go to bed. I find it relaxing. Anyone else?
I enjoy doing a crossword every night before I go to bed. I find it relaxing. Anyone else?
Favorite Answer
YES!!! LOL I also like word searches before bed too, if I don't have any crosswords!!
Have a nice day! :)
I love Crossword Puzzles!!
My buddy!!!!!!!!!
~ Lavender ~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh so sweet......... But no at least not since I found You Yahoo's.......... All my spare time I am here answering and asking silly questions and yes sometimes some serious ones too. Really..... Very cute though..... I see the visual...........
Chark Finn
Yes, especially the cryptic ones. They make my brain hurt so good.
Kiss my Putt! I do it just when I'm watching tv or when the computer's down....I don't do the real "posers" like the New York Times though....I keep it simple.