How many people think doctors in the US are quacks? (incompetent)?

Have you ever been misdiagnosed? Has a doctor made a serious error that caused you, or someone you know, harm?

Are US doctors just in it for the money?

Or are the just afraid of the Government, or getting sued?

Nikki W2006-07-11T02:49:51Z

Favorite Answer

MD used to be for people who wanted to help people. But, with the good pay and status these days, it attracts the wrong crowd.
Also, the trend has been to specialize to death in one field, so the scope of their knowledge has shrunken. On top of that, there are many frivolous malpractice lawsuits by people who are looking to make quick bucks, which drives up the insurance cost, etc.

Putting all these things together, you get quite of few doctors who are just motivated by money, whose knowledge applies to only a very focused area, and are afraid of their patients for the possible lawsuit.

Being a doctor takes constant studying to update and learn the new things, but with all the high tech tools, which they have to learn and wanting a work-life balance all takes time away from their ability to broaden their knowledge base to other aspects of human health makes most physicians less than sufficient.

Still, it's all part of being a human wanting the normal human things.


As a rule doctors in the U.S.A. are not quacks (incompetent or not) and for the most part they are truly afraid of being sued and for that reason the cost of seeing any doctor is so out of line that someone who is without medical insurance can not see a doctor and will most likely die of something that a good doctor could have taken care of and most likely could have saved someones life.
It's a sad world to think that someone will die because the price to see a medical professional is more then one can afford and to all those doctors who believe that high costs to be seen by them far out weigh the price of a helping and saving the life of a human being. Shame on those doctors and not just in a few states but in every state as well.

Jon R2006-07-11T09:43:24Z

Talk about a gross generalization.

It's safe to say that some doctors are quacks. There's an adage about 50% of all doctors having graduated at the bottom half of their class...

Perhaps it's my optimism regarding the human heart, but I think that most doctors are very dedicated people who have invested much of their lives in learning the art and science of medicine, and have a true desire to heal people.

Doctors are not gods. They are capable of mistakes. Medicine is not perfect, and neither are diagnostic tools.

As with any profession, some doctors are incompetent, and some simply don't care. I'm sorry for you if you've been harmed by someone like that.


After what I have heard about doctors in places like Iran I think Americans have it pretty darn good.


amen to that Ive went to 11 doctors before they found out what was wrong with me i had kidney stones and kidney failure from it and a bad lung infection i almost died and they said it was all in my head they couldn't find any thing wrong with me when i went to see the 12th doctor he did a kidney scan and said i had a 2 cm stone that had blocked my kidney after one treatment i was back to normal. so i think these doctors need to stop being lazy and go back to school

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