How does this suspicious Ebay scam (I think) work?

I just saw an Ebay item was too good to be true. It was for a new electric generator worth at least $2,000. It had about 10 hours to close. The starting bid was about 25 GBP ($42 US dollars). No bids yet. Item location was in Illinois but seller was in Germany. Almost all of the seller's feedbacks were in German and 100% positive. Free shipping but must contact seller via email prior to bidding. How does this work and still the seller make money?


Favorite Answer

email the seller with that question.


Thats doesnt sound like a scam...thats how ebay works. its possible the bidding could get up to $2000, but the seller decided to start the bidding at $42US. If there is NO RESERVE, and no one else outbids you, then you could quite possibly and rightfully win the guitar for that amount.
Just make sure you read all of the fine print very carefully BEFORE you bid.

Happy Bidding.


I wouldn't touch that deal with a ten foot pole. This is way too good to be true and the email before bid sounds like to me they are going to rip you off. I saw a case like this on tv a while back, they get the money but the item doesn't exist.


I can't comment on this one individual seller. The only way to check is through feedback, but even that could be bogus. Just be wary....
As to being "too good to be true", I bought a brand-new double oven for $1 last month; an almost new $2500 fridge for $45 last week. Picked up both of them... No problems. Sometimes you actually can get a great deal on e-bay.


eBay is the largest online marketplace and one of the most popular ways to earn an income from home with a PC and internet connection. Selling on eBay is inexpensive and easy to start. Ebay has a number of tools for sellers to maximise sales. These are eBay Pulse, Hot items report, merchandising calendar. By sourcing products at a low price, you can increase your profit. Check out for more details.

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