Who do you think the "black glove" is who has been wreaking all kinds of havoc first with Lexie, and now with Belle and Phillip, and Shawn and Mimi? Also do you all think Belle and Shawn will end up together??
I agree, it looks like a womans hand. I forgot all about Vivian!
Does anyone think it could be Alex North?
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I think it is Tony Dimera because last time he came back he was wearing a black glove and creeping around every were and plus the glove is following arround and attacking Lexie and sticking up for Sami that sounds like Tony to me. You would think he would stick up for his sister but he always seems to help Sami out in the end. But i do hope it is Stefano because i heard Joseph Mascelo was leaving B&B and he wants to come back to days. That would be really good for the show.
I like Sami she adds spice to the show but i wish they would just let her get married for once witout upsetting the whole town of Salem.
Shaun and Belle belong together so it would be cool if Mimi and Phillip hooked up. I like that whoever the mystery man is changed the around Mimi and Belles emplanted embros so Belle and Shaun will probably have another baby together and i just hope Shaun will find out Mimi has been lying and leave her and once Belle knows about Claire being Shauns they would definetly be together anytime now would be nice.
Hopefully the Soap will get better now that some of the originals are back but so of them are also leaving like Jennifer (Melissa Reeves).
I also thought maybe it was Alex North, Vivian ooooooh i forgot about her......I guess we will se in a year when they reveal it. Hopefully sooner than that i am so addicted to this show its not even funny I LOVE Days.
Knowing Days, they'll drag this black glove thing on for years until we're too weary to care who it is. I really don't know who it is and not really sure if I care. I do think Shawn and Belle will end up together because I feel like Philip or Mimi are going to self-destruct. But Jason Cook is leaving the show, as is the guy playing Philip, so who knows what will happen?
I think it has to be one of the Dimeras, or it's someone that Stefano or Tony has brainwashed to do their bidding. I'm thinking something else is going to come out about Claire being sick again, and then this other Belle-Shawn baby will be a perfect donor match, and the truth will finally come out about Claire's parentage! It seems like whoever is doing it, is doing it to get Mimi and Shawn to split. I'd have to say it's Kate, she probably doesn't like Belle, since Belle cheated on Philip, so Kate probably doesn't want her son married to Belle anymore. Maybe Kate feels like Mimi is a better match for Philip, Mimi is pretty coniving, very much like Kate!
I don't think it's Stefano (too obvious) I think that it might be Tony. I hope Shawn and Belle end up together, I like Mimi but Shawn belongs with Belle.
Stefano. If you go to Joe Mascalo's web page it says he wants to come back to Days. Way cool. I'm not so sure about Belle and Shawn, he's supposedly leaving the show. It all depends on whether or not they replace Jason Cook. Though I wish he would stay. Hottie!