why do teens use eubonics?

Im noticing more and more that American teenagers are staring to use more eubonics?( African American Vernacular English)..dont they realize it makes them sound stupid and uneducated??

for example "yo she axed me if I was goin to the dance"


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It is ebonicis, or the language of the ebony. It was started by the black culture, and actually introduced to schools in some places. The use of ebonics displays how our culture is willing to bring the english language to a lower level, rather than try to bring the language of the lower class to a higher level. If you compare the language used in the pre-1950 United States, to our language now, you will find that we have lost a great amount of clarity to generalities. We no longer use specific adjectives and diverse nouns, instead, we substitute profanities and slang in many cases. The loss of proper english, way well prove to be a great factor in the demise of a very civilized culture. When the schools were integrated in the US, especially the South, the black students should have been a priority group, until the average black education level coincided with the average white education level. Instead, the curiculum was degraded, to make it appear that the black students were doing quite well. The result was a general reduction in the quality of education, to include the use of ebonics.


Kids sounded stupid and uneducated before Eubonics; that's a major defining point of a kid. It shouldn't be a problem unless you're still talking that way when you're in your 20's.


Bill Cosby made a comment about this and I totally agree that it is a serious sign of society accepting less and less from youth in America. I know many a foreign person who's language is second to English, and they make more sense that those who speak Ebonics.

I just ask the person to repeat themselves, and if I still can't understand them, I let them know that I have no idea what they are saying. And you know what? Suddenly their English improves.

Nice Question you axed.... ;)

the a.m2006-07-15T10:07:40Z

it's up to them to speak the way they want to but they should receive proper education some of those in authority speak eubonics thus don't know any better. it's not bad to be in the know just in case you say something on the streets that takes away your life but it's also good to be in the know how of proper english so that you also don't abuse someone without knowing


Sometimes when you're around a lot of people that do it, it just happens. That's kinda how language works in general. I'm aware it can sometimes make me sound retarded, But I don't care, because I'm one of the best writers in my class, and I know when not to use it, for example, at a job interview, I would never use it there.

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