How do they teach cops to lie at the police academy?

I have read there are drugs that alter the results of a polygraph.
Does police training involve training them how to lie?

Loyal To Law Enforcement2006-07-16T20:16:04Z

Favorite Answer

I worked in Law Enforcement for over 15 years and I can honestly tell you, it is one of the most corrupt businesses to work in. I didn't get any training in the academy to lie but my trainers and elders at my Department sure taught me well. Fortunately I am not good at lying and never did so, so I am at ease with those I have put away but there are nights I wake up wanting to scream knowing about those my "brothers" have wrongly put away. There are some very good caring cops out there but it's the few who are not that make it bad for the rest of us. Be careful out there and keep your mouth shut when confronted or request to be recorded and get a copy of your tape.

P.S. Previous's Sodium Pentothal...


No police academys don't teach them how to 'lie". In fact they normally don't even learn anything about a polygraph, since that is not part of thier job.

polygraphs use body response, pulse and other factors, alot of drugs can effect the resullts, also a person who is trained to control alot of body responses could also


Well I have been and was a cop for 10 years and I dont remember any training on how to lie.


No we don't get trained to lie. The drug you probably read about was sodium penthenal (truth serum), the polygraph reads your pulse and heart rate and there is only a few people ever to have beaten it.

Country Girl for Life2006-07-16T19:05:53Z

No it does not.... maybe you are thinking of the CIA or Secret Service or something.

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