Would you go back to eating meat if no animals had to die for it?

It sounds like sci-fi, but there was an article in the July/Aug issue of Vegetarian Times that discussed a method developed by a vegetarian doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland. Using three muscle cells taken from a live cow (by needle) and nourishing them in the lab in a broth of glucose, amino acids and minerals, he has been able to encourage them to reproduce. After a few weeks, a sheet of the meat can be peeled off and ground up into hamburger. Growing meat this way could conceivably put a dent in factory farming and reduce the number of animals slaughtered every year. It’s also purported to be safer because there’s no “need” to treat the animal with antibiotics, steroids and hormones and it could eliminate the threat of mad cow disease. So… would you go back to eating meat if no animals had to die for it? Or are your other reasons for going veg compelling enough to keep you veg?


Thank SO much for all the sarcastic, rude answers. This is the *vegetarian* section, not the *insult vegetarians* section and this is a serious question. I'd like to know what actual vegetarians think about this.


To ebenevides: I agree personally that it doesn't sound appealing. Since you listed peta's website as a source, I thought you might be interested to know that Ingrid Newkirk has called it "one of the most exciting developments ever."


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Personally, I don't think that I would. The process you just described doesn't sound appealing to me at all. It also sounds like a expensive process and I'm sure the cows would still suffer in some way. I think science should spend more time making fake meat taste better and be more nutritious.


i'm a dyed interior the wool meat eater and that i won't consume an animal that died "clearly". What precisely does that recommend besides?? the only loss of life i understand of that could ensue clearly is previous age... Meat from an previous animal is stressful, so stressful surely which you will besides consume your shoe. actuality is, previous age vegetables are not so sturdy to consume the two. They replace into woody and improve stressful fibers(cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, radishes, etc.) or they over ripen and start to rot(maximum all different greens). youthful is ultimate whilst it includes maximum all ingredients, meat OR veg or fruit.


maybe.....but actually, i am being made go back to eating meat. i have been a veggie for 2 years and i got sick a lot because i wasn't healthy. so if the animals didn't have to die for it then that would be a real plus! (you know next to the fact that I'll be healthier) but i actually think meat is really gross and the texture when you chew it in you mouth is disgusting. i actually threw up from eating meat once, because i hadnt eaten it in so long. but i think the fact that you kill animals to eat it is definately part of the gross factor for me. also, because i have a problem with the animals being slaughtered, i now only eat free range because i HAVE to eat the stuff.


i would b/c i am that away .In my heart that would be wrong for me to do others might but i would not b/c of health reason .i have went to long with out eating meat and i do not want to ever eat meat again .


i think i would be a great technology that will hopefully advance soon. it saves the animals and will still give us easy aceess to protein and the good tastes of meat

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