Are the Repukelicans trying to start a world war?


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Political party makes no difference. It's the Illuminati that run this world, and want no more than 2 billion people on earth, each implanted with a micro-chip so they can control us.


What are repukelicans? Try using the spell check..other wise some may think your 11 years old


Not trying, have.

i.e. Global War on Terror, a.k.a. the war on Islam. Listen to how the people they are fighting are talked about on the news. We back a country that has been fighting the same people for thousands of years, and people wonder why they hate America. THEY WANT TO FIGHT THEIR OWN WAR!!

Fundamentalist christians are backing them all the way. NOT ALL CHRISTIANS.

I guess some people never got the cursades out of their system and they still feel like there is work to be done.

But never fear!! When the invisible man (god) comes down and takes his people away (rapture), they will have nothing to worry about! They will leave it to all the non-believers!!


It's already started and the Dems are out numbered in the seats of power. In each case, Bush is presiding over a self-serving delusion, in concert with a self-emasculating Congress, his partners as would-be war profiteers. Anticipating questions about the bombing of Lebanon, Bush will, on this question be lying to the American people again. But that would presume he is not first lying to himself. State of war? yes . State of the Union? Catastrophe, pure and simple.


Yes! That's exactly what the Repukelicans are trying to do.

Great question.... *shaking head*.

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