Can anyone help me decide?

I am really finding it difficult to decide which religion is more insane: Chritianity or Islam (yeah I know this is like asking which ocean is more wet, the Atlantic or the Pacific, but hey).

Now I figure that in term of insanity of core beliefs, you have pick Chrisianity here (nb: Creationists are excluded from this since they are so hopelessly insane there wouldn't be any contest left if they were included). However when it comes to the insanity of believers, I feel Islam easily has the edge here with the number of pyschotic followers it clearly attracts.

So I'm finding it just too tough to call - can you help me decide.

And if there are any relgious wackos reading this, please be aware I already realize that:
- I am evil
- I am going to hell (oh no, not HELL!)
- God still loves me anyway (or have I gone too far this time?)
- you will pray for me (you will, won't you?)
- I am secretly searching for meaning in my life but won't admit it


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Wow, this is a great question!
First, to answer this, you would have to know the definition of insanity. Which I happen to have just looked it up and now have to decide which definition is right....(sometimes you can get too much information on the internet)

The first definition I found was....

2. "Such a mental condition, as, either from the existence of delusions, or from incapacity to distinguish between right and wrong, with regard to any matter under action, does away with individual responsibility."

I read this, and Islam wins. Hands down.

According to Benjimin Franklin.."Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result."

Going on that definition, the more insane of the two would be Christianity, because you only get one chance with a suicide bomb, therefore, I would not think too many Islamic Suicide Bombers are doing anything over and over...

*If searching for the meaning of life, I suggest...GOOGLE.... ;)


I conceptualize 3 groups of persons

1. After 30 + years of practicing the same ritual it becomes automatic and could, sometimes, lead to losing touch with reality. Forgetting how humble and insignificant they were when they began. They are now so full of holiness they are unable to forgive or love. These are the ones who will use the bible to bring blood instead of using foregiveness.

2. The 'obedient (sheep)' - lives by the words of others. Follows deligently and is often overlooked by church body.

3. True worshippers - are often viewed as radicals. Have no specific named religion. They can be found in every religious group.
An impenetratable mind force. To keep out negativity.Do good deeds. Striving to live not only for self but for others too. Always striving to stay on the path of righteousness, in a realistic manner. The awesome power of knowing when to be humble and when to be a warrior. Acknowledging that certain emotions must be brought to the subjective will of the mind. Being able to differentiate between results coming from physical action and those achieved through faith in mental power (prayer/meditation)
What are your views on spirituality - the building of the inner self.


Dude, I am the Number 1 religious wacko cuz I'm an Islamic Judeo-Christian and I can tell you right now that NONE of my Gods will put up with your kind of trash-talking and not only are you going to the 7th level of Hell, but you also cannot pass Go or collect $200! So THERE!


As far as "core beliefs" are concerned, there are a lot of similarities between Christians and Muslims (prophets, holy books, intangible deities) so I'm taking that out of the equation. Since I don't have actual statistics on the number of psychotics in either group, I'm not sure I can answer which one has the edge on "insanity of believers". Radical Christians rarely blow themselves up in the name of God. But then again, I don't recall any Muslims who have killed their kids because Allah told them to. I say it's a tie.

Carol M2006-07-21T15:49:57Z

If you are sincere in the last 5 statements, you are on the right path to salvation. Take all of what you said in those last 5 statements, and ask Jesus to take all the evil from you. Admit to Him that you are a sinner searching for salvation through Jesus. Ask Jesus for His forgiveness of your sins. Acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and invite Him into your heart and life today.

IF you have done this and was sincere in your quest for salvation, You have been born again. i do pray that you do accpet Jesus as your savior today. We are living in the end of times and Jesus is returning in our lifetime. I pray you are with us when He takes us home.

John 3:16-18

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Jesus will forgive sins, but only upon an invitation from the sinner who is reaching out to Jesus for their salvation. Those who sin and are not Chrsitians will not have there sins forgiven. They must turn their lives over to the Lord first, and leave their sinful lifestyle, striving to impove their ways from the point they were born again by the blood of Jesus.

I will be praying for you.

God bless you

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