How can over 1 millon people put there faith in a book that is over 1 millon years old.Espcly since the book itself is written by people who wern't even at the events it claimed happend.The book I am talking about is the bible in case you havn't gessed yet
P.S.Please excuse my horable spelling
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Just to point it out, the new testament is only just between one and two thousand years old. And the old testament probably no older than 7,000, and while a very generous estimate indeed, is far far far from 1 million years.
But I do see your point.
It proclaims itself to be the one and only truth in the world, and some put their faith in it instead of god himself out of a fear that defies all of their god-given logic and reasoning.
Admittedly, it is much easier to go with the flow and follow a book than to chart your own path through the jungle.
And those who stay with their faith in the bible have not grown enough yet in truth to search for more. That's okay, some people need time.
Have faith! If things should have been any different, they would have been, and if they should be different, they will shortly hereafter.
Hell is living in fear, for it is not truly living, but dying.
The Word of God is the map to the truth we each have written on our very souls.
Trust in you own heartfelt yearning and sublime desire to find God, to know the Answer, and you will find it for yourself more fully than anyone can show you.
Faith is defined as things hoped for and not seen. You drive to work? You have to have faith that your car will run. You eat dinner at a restaurant? You gave to have faith the cook doesn't spit in your food. Everday we as people put faith into everything in our lives on a daily basis. Cars,people, stoplights, furniture, and appliances. We trust the chair to hold our weight when we sit, we trust the refrigerator to keep our food cold. Why not put your faith in a book? The bible helps us to keep our faith in life. It tells us that we are here for a purpose, it offers us rewards, and it lets us know that we are cared for and thought about when everyone else around you has turned their back on you. The book may be old, but it is the same yesterday, today and tommorrow. Some of the people were not there, but they recorded events that happened. They didn't happen in their time but they did happen. It is considered to be a prophecy. I would find it comforting to know that someone knows my future and could help me out in troubles or when I am in need.
Actually we put our faith in Christ the Messiah. We believe the Bible, which is the word of God and not over 1 million years old, is God breathed and infallible. The New Testament was written by those who were witnesses to the events or knew someone who was.
Many people are more comfortable following a book than thinking on their own. I understand that concept. When I was in the military, I was constantly ordered around. The easy part of that is that I didn't have to think for myself, but just do as I was told without question. It gives a sense of security.
You have a lot of misunderstanding of The Christian Faith...this is not to put you is not something that any one can know if not a part of it... I can tell you that for all of my life from teen years to 53 I was not interested in any of the Bible Thump'n stuff...I mocked all who "believed" in all that crap... I did not even own a bible...nor was I "looking for Jesus"... on the morning of my salvation... one moment I was a mocking non-believer and the nex moment I was Saved by God's Grace and received the Gift of my Salvation... no Book, Man, Priest, man doctrin or dogma... Just me and God... Now... when I go to "The Book"... it is to confirm my faith... not to prove it... the book do'nt save any one... it is God who waits for each one to answer His call.
Here is the direct link to my testimony of my first day of The Christian Faith.... this will tell you where I put my faith... it is not in The Bible, But in God... And... The truth of His Word in the Truth of my Salvation..