Why are the anti-war democrats so quiet on the Israeli war?


Which democrat politicians have spoken out against the Israelis?


The democrats have enough power to block funding for Israel

Michael E2006-07-22T10:34:20Z

Favorite Answer

Because they are afraid of repercussions from the Israel lobby, which is quite powerful in the US.


They have to wait for the Republicans to decide their stance. If the Republicans decide this is bad, Democrats will then take stance that it is good. Democrats aren't really anti-war(ww1,ww2,Korea,Vietnam, Bosnia... all Democrat Pres administrations), they're anti-Republican. Republicans are pro-war in Iraq, so Democrats take the anti-war position.
If the Democrats came out right away and were against the Israeli war, then the Republicans stated they were against the Israeli war also, the Democrats would then have to flip-flop and be pro-war, to maintain their anti-Republican mentality. To avoid this, the majority of Democrats just wait. Hillary Clinton had to make a statement there being a very large Jewish population in NY, she will either end up being cut off from the rest of the D party or have to flip-flop away from Republications. She's already crossed the "doing nothing" point of no return. Let's see how she does...


Hezzbolah scred them over by launching missiles into Israel. If they had not done that the military action against them would not be justified for 2 kidnapped soldiers. Still you see the far far left crying Israel is over reacting and even the general left criticising Bush for not getting a cease fire in effect.

Ultimately though the logical group of lefties like most conservatives can see plain as day; if Israel can finish off Hezzbolah the world is a slightly better place.

Jared H2006-07-22T17:36:38Z

Well, if they can't get their own government to stop launching illegal and immoral wars of aggression, how in the world are they going to have any effect on the Isreali government?

Ronald Reagan2006-07-22T17:33:55Z

,"I want Israel to emerge victorious and more secure from this round of fighting, but I also want the killing of innocent civilians to end."

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