Didn't Yahoo! Answers had lay down rules for content in questions and answers?

Oh yeah, they did.

- that is violent, racist, incendiary, or otherwise objectionable.
- that are abusive, threatening, slanderous, or belligerent against any individual or groups of individuals for any reason.
- that contains profane, obscene, vulgar or sexually explicit language.
- that glorifies self-harm, suicide, anorexia, bulimia, or any other practice that is clearly unhealthy or harmful.
- to vent your frustrations, rant, make statements, or otherwise violate the question and answer format. "

To name a few >.<

"...we reserve the right to change, remove, or add to the list at any time, without notice:
- How are you?
- Anyone want to chat?
- What's your name?
- How old are you?
- Do you like my avatar?
- Who likes Britney Spears? "

Now riddle me this: why do we keep seeing these types of questions? Does nobody read the rules?



Favorite Answer

I cannot agree with you enough. I am tired of seeing silly sexual questions in areas such a food and entertaining, dance, the arts, etc. I too wondered if there was anyone checking out the postings here and supervising things. Apparently not. It is a shame because soon a lot of us will stop visiting this area which actually could be of some service to people who have actual questions.


You're right. Nobody reads the guidelines - or very few people anyhow. They tried making the link more visible by displaying on the left of the box when you're typing in answers, but apparen't that's not enough to get people's attention.

Do you have any ideas? Some of us (answerers) have considered things like a quiz of the guidelines before being allowed to post or a featured guideline displayed. If you have any ideas also, feel free to post in the user forum (linked in the upper right corner) so we can get the team to clarify the guidelines to everyone somehow. Thanks!

♥ Luveniar♫2006-07-24T13:22:36Z

That's a very good question. Another question might be how well are they monitoring this place? I know there's a LOT of questions/traffic around here, but it seems like there would be more of this stuff removed, or are they just leaving it up to us to report? That doesn't seem right.


Probably very few read the rules, and many wouldn't care about them even if they did. That is why the "report abuse" feature is available to us all...to help police Answers and keep it a fun and safe place for all.


Yahoo might desire to evaluate what proportion situations one individual comments. they are in a position to even music it based on the laptop the use, so multiple debts may well be ineffective. If actual people with some sort of skill to truthfully overview somewhat of checklist the violation as "incomprehensible," possibly the charm technique may well be greater perfect. somewhat, we probable have people in India reviewing those issues who have no theory what the subculture of the U.S. (or uk) fairly is. additionally, with greater valuable appeals, the newshounds are meant to lose reporting skill. This reporting is getting tiresome. Is that what some very unhappy, lonely "cyber web people" might desire to do with their on line time?

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