EBAYS NOT HELPING ME! I get SMS alerts when I'm outbid, but have lost 2 items because im doing something wrong

i enter the new price, but then im supposed to enter something called id1 or id2. is that the item # or my ebay handle? do i put the price on one line and this other piece of info on the next line?


BTW, i dont have a computer at home. so I am trying to "bid" by text message on my mobile phone, but i am getting the format wrong and the bid is not being accepted by ebay. I need specific help on the format ebay needs for the text message bid.


Favorite Answer

your better off proxy bidding. it automatically bids for you when someone makes a higher bid. you set a prelimit on your proxy bid and it will bid automaticaly till the limit is met.

moopMASTER 20002006-07-25T22:51:15Z

DElki Suppourt Onlien says:
that you are not supposed to answer them.


raise your max bid