Do you think things would be different today if JFK had not been assassinated? What and why?


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That is a hell of a "What if?"
Going back to circa Nov.1963 and playing "Quantum Leap" and projecting a future is hard. Thing's would have been very different I would guess. His death, started a sea change in the 1960's both political & social. For example, the whole hippie/ drug culture/ protest movement. Does it even take place? Civil rights? LBJ, moved far ahead of anything he was prepared to do. Does he even win in 1964?? Goldwater might have beat him. LBJ had a big carryover sympathy vote in 1964. The War? MIght still have happened, but run differently. Does the Democract party immplode in 1968? No.....

Like I said this has way too many variables for a good answer.


Yes the civil right movement would have not taken hold until the 70s.


No, not really. He was just as corrupt as the ones after him.