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They happen in Britain all the time. I find it difficult to believe that any farmer would have time to squander unless, its just a bunch of artistic kids doing it all the time but, they would be eccentric as hell to keep at an obsession for so many years.
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I saw a documentary about this a while ago. There was some guys who admitted to doing the crop circles. But, there are some crop circles that have been analyzed and have been said that there is no possible way humans could have done it. I don't know, I suppose some could be created by ET intelligence.
The last time I watched something on TV about "crop circles" it was a bunch of teens who'd made them as a joke . They'd stretched the ropes out taut and walked in circles to flatten the wheat, corn or whatever. They never expected their prank to go so far and they were feeling guilty so they'd admitted to it.This was a few years ago. I forget what show.
they are real but some guy admitted to doing the whole crop circles shortly after
they are for real. some have been faked, but they have been around for thousands of years. cave drawings show crop circles. many same its aliens who created them. science has tested the area's and found traces of items not known.