Should the US bomb Israel?

1. They would never see it coming so we probably wouldn't lose many planes.
2. The US would get more respect in the world
3 Couldn't hurt George Bush's ratings because the jews hate him anyway.
4. We could stop the slaughter of innocent children


We would bomb only Military targets


It was washington state where the jews were shot


We attacked Yugoslavia for no reason other than to get them to stop the slaughter of Muslims.


I never suggested that we should do it. I just asked the question.


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5. Every country would live in terror that the US would suddenly decide
it should bomb them - because from their point it would be random.
6. Israeli intelligence is pretty good - you can imagine a series of
comando-style attacks against the US, but this time by a country which
has some very high technology. We might get rid of a lot of the state,
but you cannot get rid of the entire infrastructure.
7. Since there was no DIRECT provocation between the state of Israel
and the United States, remaining Jewish citizenry and many non-Middle
eastern countries would want our leadership tried for war crimes.


mmm probably more strategic sense for Israel to bomb the USA....
1. they would never see it coming, so could take out the entire DC area in one sneak attack
2. Israel would get more respect and would get the Arabs off their back
3. One good way to get rid of Bush cheney rummie and all the rest of the insane clown posse in one swell foop
4. it would stop the slaughter of innocent children
5. Just kidding (thats for the FBI CIA and NSA monitoring yahoo)


1. True dat
2. True dat
3. Wrong!!!
4. NO, we would start an even greater slaughter that will result in the genocide of the Isreals.
5. WHY?????????? IT makes absolutely no sense. Who cares about respect, Bush does what he thinks is right no matter what anyone else thinks.


uhhh no. There is no reason to bomb Israel. Doing it because we can is poor reasoning. Doing it because others would like it is faulty reasoning. Because Jews hate George Bush is unestablished, so that is faulty reasoning. And finally, Hezbollah kills children all the time. All we would be doing is helping them to do more of it by removing their roadblock. Once again, faulty reasoning.


It may achieve 1-3 but would probably result in the genocide of the Israeli people.

If you want to save the Lebanese children - maybe you should tell the terrorists to stop using them as shields.

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