Why are there so many freakin' people on Disability that are not really "Disabled"?
How hard does a Wal-Mart people greeter work?(no offense people greeters)
I am saying people that ARE able to work, and am just using the people greeter thing as an example of a job that is not overly demanding physically. All legitimately disabled people are not the point of my question.
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Why work when the government will give you free money? It used to be that people felt shame and wouldn't freeload on their fellow taxpayers. Liberalism has removed all shame from bad behaviors so it is now too easy to steal and not care about it.
Hard enough to get paid by way of our tax dollars. Believe it or not, some of those people greeters make over 10 dollars a hour. Hell, come to think of it, my butt is in the wrong profession. A lot of those people greeters are not feeding off of the system. They would rather work and make a living. I actually admire them, not just at Wal-Mart, but at any location. A lot of people can learn from them!
You do not know the cause or extent of their disability. They can be anywhere from 10% to 100% disabled. A person with a 10% rating would only be limited to certain things. As in disabled American veteran,he would only receive a percentage of his earnings and a 100% DAV would receive all of it. There are many disability's that can not be seen on the outside of a persons body,please be a little more kind in your thinking. These men aren't cheating anyone they gave their legs or arms and sometimes their minds to keep America free
Because they can be. The word "disabled" is too broad. There should be stricter guidelines for it. Some people are just too fat and lazy to work and use their "disability" as an excuse. Most of them need to just put down the fork. Those are the people who breed generations of the same and their kids and grandkids suck off the government too sorta like a badge of honor.
Good question. Walmart greeters are responsible for more than just greeting people, they will sometimes be asked to stock shelves clean the doors, etc. With Walmart there are job descriptions but that don't always mean that you will be doing that job............