Who drives you more crazy- your mother or your mother-in-law?

...or your boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom?


Thanks for all the great answers.


Favorite Answer

my mother in law. I hardly talk to my own mother, but I have to see and talk to my mother in law a lot because my sister in law who is my best friend lives with her. o.O My mother in law loves to bit*h and whine and complain. Then calls me a bit*h behind my back. >.<

Judas Rabbi2006-07-31T19:43:32Z



Ex mother in Law


Mother, hands down. I really lucked out with my mother in law, she's very cool. But my own mom gets on my nerves quite a bit...very critical


My mother, as she doesnt like my wife, me or my kids...

My mother in law, was a great lady, and I loved her dearly while she was on this Earth. A very down to earth woman...

I still miss her...

But, she has a fine daughter that I married and she acts just like her, so I am gifted with knowing each of them!

I wish you well..


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