Who among the guitarists on this board can play "The Flight of the Bumblebee" through one sitting?

This classic song was originally composed by N. Rimsky-Korsakoff and played only by piano for many years before the guitarist decided to tackle it.

The entire piece is written in sixteenth notes for the first part and eighth and quarter notes for the second guitar part.

It is the most challenging song I've encountered.


Favorite Answer

I heard one guy play that over the mic in a yahoo chatroom once, and it was pretty amazing. Then he did some other fast type run that was pretty cool. I tried strapping him up for some tips , and all he gave me was that he was 57 years old,....well that explains HALF of that....time and experience! Yes i'm aware of all that (song included) , and i got some chops - but years ago i abandoned the "speed for speeds sake" approach as i matured as a player - though i still love my Yngwie though..