To all pro-abortion gay witches (wicans) out there?
What are your picks for the World Series?
Sorry about the misspelling I guess you can't always trust the spell checkers
What are your picks for the World Series?
Sorry about the misspelling I guess you can't always trust the spell checkers
Favorite Answer
yankees and mets, subway series... yanks in 7...
I'm not pro-abortion, gay, or
a witch ( though my husband might tell you different ),
but I also choose Mets & Yankees like the person above.
With the Yankees winning, of course ! : )
I'd like to think that the gay midgets will take it all.
However, I'm neither pro-abortion, gay, a midget, or a witch, so my view may be skewed.
wiccans has two c's------my picks as an interested male observer are nascar and kenny chesney, and any one else with a two digit i.q.
i from Detroit, so i really would like to see the tigers. and for your first statement all i have to say is, NO UTERUS, NO OPINION