Do I have the right to be concerned about a Red tailed Hawk and my Cockatoo at my pool?

Will a ted tailed Hawk attack my Cockatoo?

Rachael G2006-08-04T02:31:00Z

Favorite Answer

Hawks are birds of prey as my brother who has racing pigeons will tell you and when they hang around, they are looking for an easy meal so best to keep your cockatoo indoors. I also think these hawks might be protected so there is not a lot you can do about it hanging around. It should leave if it doesnt see your pet around and go elsewhere to look for food.


Yes. I have a bird feeder in my yard and hawks frequently circle my yard. I've seen them attack and eat doves and blue jays. I cant get mad though, the hawks have to eat too and I like to see them in the yard. But since the cockatoo is your pet you should watch out for him.

Phillip R2006-08-04T09:25:21Z

HECK YES! They are super vicious, and will attack any and all little birds. Your not from Palm springs area, are you? because I live there and have personally seen crows, squirrels, rabbits, and other animals attacked by the red tail hawk.


Yes it will. You had better keep an eye on it.

Boober Fraggle2006-08-04T09:24:37Z

Yes it will.