Weegie board stories.?

Okay what has your experience been with a weegie board, did anything happen, did nothing happen.. please tell your story here, thanks. ♥


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me,antony and steve had the ouija ,the thing was moving with answers,it told us it was an aborigne spirit but we thought that meant in australia but the spirit said no it was from north georgia around ballground which none of us had heard of since we was in centrtal ohio and all about 12 years old,but i still think steve was moving the thing.spooky


I had a friend who wouldn't come into my apartment on Halloween because I had a Ouija board out for decoration. I had to set it outside before he would step foot inside.


Ouija boards are a waste of time in my experience


Did you mean Ouija board? We did as kids.....I still think my sister was moving the bloody planchette around trying to scare me!