Why do people refer to babies in months instead of years?

For example, when a child is 16 months. He/she is already a year and four months. But why do parents/doctors use months until they are 2 years old... or older?


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That's how doctors keep up with babies & young children due dates for immuizations. A doctor wouldn't say its time for your child's 36 week check-up. Most people are not that comprehensive. So 9 months sounds better. Then sooner or later it would be it's time for your child's 365 day check-up which is 1 yr. check-up. So i guess its just comprehensive for doctors, nurses and parents to understand.


Isn't it easier to say 16 months instead of a year and four months? Does it really matter? The first year is measured in months out of necessity - because there are so many changes in that first year. There are also quite a few changes in the year before the second birthday too. Once the baby is two years old, she/he becomes a toddler. In fact, the first 3 months, the baby is considered an infant.
I've never heard a toddler older than 2 years referred to as '28months', so don't worry, times will change. When you have to start worrying is when the kid is 13.


I guess they're so used to saying my baby is 2 months, or 6 months, etc....also, babies develop new abilities and are expected to do things at a certain age, and its normally told at a certain how many months...its just easier that way....once the child reaches 2 years old, they're expected to be able to walk and start talking, and then they develop other abilities slower, as they have developed most of them by the age of 2....hope this helps


There was a comedian, sorry I don't remember his name. He was Halle Berry's boyfriend in B.A.P.S., but he had the most hilarious joke about this! "Break that s*** down for me, man! Break it down!"

I think people do this because of the countdown that starts in charting prenatal growth and then every little precious minute, day, week and month matter because those little sweeties grow up so quickly.

So, I think people should try to rephrase their questions to get the answer they want. BUT how old is a child under one year to you? "Oh, she's zero!" That doesn't work, so it flows past the "1 year," 12 month mark.

;-D winks

PIERRE! I remembered his name, his name is Pierre, about 429 months old now, I think! Yeah!


Well, children are the best ,beautiful gifts for any individual by God.Even if a child turns older,he is a kid for her mom.So a child is refered in months than years.

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