Does diet coke help you lose weight or is it just less fatty than regular coke?

Paul S2006-08-14T22:42:08Z

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if you are doing this to conduct an experiment and you kept everything else equal (caloric intake) and just replaced drinking regular coke with diet coke, you may temporarily lose weight depending on how many regular cokes you used to drink per day. each can of regular coke is 140 calories. if you drank 2 cokes per day that's a savings of 1,400 calories per week (assuming a 5 day work week).

now that being said, just bc diet coke has zero calories doesn't mean you can drink as many as you want. the artificial sweetener in diet coke is proven to not be good for you in large quantities. there was also a study that said the sweetness tricks your brain into making up for the calories in other ways, which is why i said earlier if you keep all else equal.

so from a pure calorie standpoint when comparing the two in a vacuum, yes in theory you could lose weight, but in reality, lose weight simply by buring more calories than you consume.


The invention of diet coke is not for the purpose of reducing body weight, as it is not a weight control or weight managment product.

It is a product to meet the more and more health conscious consumers where they love to see the word "diet" and "0 calories". This make them feel less guilty when consuming the product.

Thus, it will increase the company revenue and profit when the consumers drink more as, it is "diet".

If you compare to regular coke, yes, definately less fatty or less prone in weight gain.


Diet coke does not make you loose weight ,try this plan instead it really works so here goes,
If you are serious about losing weight, the calories in the food you eat should be less than the energy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.
Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at

Good luck


No, no, and no.

Diet coke doesn't help you lose weight, because the sweetners in it stimulate the appetite and make you more hungry.

Diet coke doesn't have any fat, but neither does regular coke. Diet coke has no sugar, so it doesn't have calories, but the artificial sweetners in it make you hungry and the high sodium content causes you to retain water, and therefore be fatter.


Stay away from the diet coke. There is not any fat in either diet or regular coke but, it is best to drink water instead. Drinking diet coke makes you crave carbs.

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