Why do so many people say "seen" when they mean "saw"?

It's a pet peeve of mine. Does it bug you? And if it doesn't are there any grammatical errors that do drive you up a wall??


I am refering to when people say things like:

Yeah, I seen that movie!

Either add in "have" or say "saw" people! :)


Favorite Answer

Actually, "I seen" is an old dialectal variant, just as logical an irregular past tense (perhaps even more so!) as "saw" when you analyze it. It just happens that "saw" was the form the "won out" in the dominant dialects of the language, but "seen" has not been completely overthrown.

Note the following discussion:

"What’s going on is clearly not ignorance, laziness or poor schooling. The pattern of present, past and perfect of see, seen and seen in place of see, saw and seen reveals that speakers don’t put irregular verbs together just by combining a stem and a suffix, the way they form many thousands of English regular verbs. Among the roughly 180 ‘approved’ irregular verbs now listed in grammars of American English, there is no verb with an -en suffix in the past as well as the perfect form.

"So where does I seen it come from? It follows a more general pattern implicit in all the regular verbs and in many irregular ones as well. All of the regular verbs, such as need, needed,, and about 75 of the irregular ones, such as lead, led, led, have the same form in the past and present perfect, but a different form in the present. The see, seen, seen formation fits this more inclusive pattern, which can be stated as present differs from past and perfect; the past is like the perfect minus 'have.' "



I think many people say "I seen" knowing full well it's incorrect. They feel if they aren't held accountable for this then they won't be expected to be held accountable for other grammatical errors. Naturally they wouldn't want their peers to think of them as iggnernt (sic).


well, if they are saying, "i've seen that before" then that's actually correct. do you mean when someone uses saw in present tense like, "did you saw that?" then yes, this usage would be wrong, though it'll take a lot more than grammatical errors to peeve me.

pinky sakura2006-08-16T19:13:21Z

Saw is past tense but seen is past participle. People rarely use past tent when describing about their own experiences. They mostly like to use past participle coz it will make the listener didn’t think the way they didn’t meant to say.


Americans have corrupted the proper English grammar with all its slangs and lazy practices. My pet peeves includes:
presently -- current
farther -- further
adverb should follow verb (but not in America)

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