Does anyone know about CARBON MINOXIDE detection? My alarms went off? How accurate are they?

I have two on the ceiling & one plug in unit. 1st the ceiling one went off & we changed the battery, then the floor one & we moved it for a while. After an hour, the ceiling one went off again, but not the floor one...Should I be concerned? We are not running the heat, but we are using the a/c & have forced air. No gas stove or oven...only other gas run appliance is my clothes dryer & we are not running it now. Could this be a false reading somehow? Should I be concerned & is there anything I should do or could do to be sure that my family is safe?

Jhason M2006-08-16T22:42:20Z

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I would open some windows or get out to another place until you can get it checked out. The fire department will usually be glad to come check on things like this.

The problem with CO is that there are usually no warning signs other than sleepiness - people lay down for a quick nap, not realizing the real problem and then never wake up....

Ron D2006-08-16T22:44:21Z

Open all the windows and do call the fire dept like gentleman said. Ours went off but turned out to be the battery but better safe than sorry.


1) Get out of the house!
2) Buy a new detector and see if the alarm goes off but I wouldn't spend another moment in your house.


Call the fire department now! They will bring their instruments and check it out. Sure there can be a false alarm, but you may wake up dead if it's not a false alarm.

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