What could your child's school do to encourage you to volunteer?

How can the PTA help you to help them? What about middle school and high school? What works? What doesn't?


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Actually really become involved with something, Passion is the key. If the program is worth doing then i am willing to get at it with a vengeance. if the organization is only providing lip service and not actually accomplishing any goals then I will just sit there.


I have a problem with all social funtions because I work a late second shift (5pm to 3-4 am), which means I leave for work around 4 and get home between 3:30-5 am. I sleep when my child is in school and then have to run to get things done. Luckily I kept my child in a private school for kindergarden, so she only goes a half day. in public I would not see her except on weekends. So I can't come to afterschool meetings in public schools, sporting events, ect... it would be nice if there was times set for people on odd shifts. at least to meet with teachers