How would you like to eat flesh eating viruses?

FDA approved spraying it on beef and poultry to kill bacteria. That will kill the bacteria, I'm sure...but what will happen when you eat the virus?


Here's a link for those who don't know about it


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good point. i read that article and all i could think was GROSS!!i guess i will become a vegan.

Buzz s2006-08-20T20:24:00Z

The bacteria I am familiar with. It is a nasty one and it gives you one wicked food poisoning. The non technical version of this is <it makes salmonella look like a church school picnic>.
The bacteriophages are ones that attack certain points on the bacteria. They are not thermally stable and will be killed when cooked. You body will digest them as a noter source of protein.


Some questions do not need to be asked. No one in there right mind would say "Hey I think it'd be cool to have my flesh slowly eaten away."

Sean T2006-08-20T20:06:19Z

That should finally get the junk out of the trunk, heheheh...


pharmaceuticals include live leaches.