If you had an opportunity to change a moment in your past?

What would it be or would you leave it as it is, in the past?

I personally would not change any situation in my past because it has helped me to grow and be a stronger person today.


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If I changed one moment it would change my entire life. I've learned to much to want to change any part of my life. And there have been some really hard lessons, and painful as well. But there has also been much joy and laughter. And much love, especially now. So don't think I would change it, I'd be giving up my spiritual growth, not something I want to part with. Peace.


There are a lot of things I've said I'd like to take back, things I did I wish I hadn't, things I didn't do I wish I'd taken a chance on. But all of those decisions are in the past, part of who I was at that moment in time.

Everything I said, did, or didn't do has helped me to evolve into the person I am now and will help shape my decisions and attitudes for tomorrow. So I guess I would change nothing but if someone stood before me with that easy button it would be tempting.


You're right. Past is past. But if I'm given an opportunity to change a certain past moment, it would be two things - to have a girl child (I have 2 boys) and purchase a landed property in a prime location about 20 years ago!


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Actually, yes, there is one. I can say there was one moment that I could have completely shifted my life from where it is now. Not necessarily for the better -- I'd still have been me, and the situation wasn't good either way -- but it would have been different. Still, if given the chance, I think I'd jump the other way.

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