Does anyone have some good advice / tips for keeping an email account secure?
One of my Yahoo! 360 friends sent me an invite today saying that her email account had been hacked so she got a new profile. I have no idea if that is her or the hacker, who guessed her password, because we're not that close.
What can you do to prevent someone from guessing your password? I do change mine every so often but is this enough?
Should I remove this friend and deny the invite? Is my account at risk?
Favorite Answer
use 2 capital letters, 2 lower case letters, 2 numbers, 2 symbols.
have it be nothign personal at all (ie random) and make sure its about 12 characters long. and change it like every 30 days.
dont make your password after your pet, kid, parents, husband, wife whatever. -_-
Most people create passwords that have meaning to them. Like a birthdate, there name or perhaps there BF/GF name. Anything that pertains to you is easy to crack. The best way to prevent any hacker in gettin into your accounts is to change your password every so often. Make sure your password has a combination of numbers, symbols if allowed and letters. create something random if you want to. Also I dont reccomend checking your accounts on a public computer or anyone but your own. You dont kno whats on other computers such as key trackers that logs down every keystroke you type and reports it back to the owner. Also there could be spyware on the computer or a hacker, so you kno. But anyways those are like the biggest saftey steps. Hope your better then your friend at keepin your accounts safe!
She probably has the same password on every website that she uses. Sometimes when you register to use a particular site they use your email address as your login. Someone with a more evil plan will set up website for the purpose of stealing your password. So what they will do is set up a site with something interesting in the pop culture and as people log into it they are freely and unknowingly giving up their personal information thinking that it is for something legitimate.
To prevent this just use different passwords for different websites.
Yes. Change your password fequently. Try not to have it very personal, like one word phrase, name, etc. For added security, try to use numbers and letters in your password. For instance, mike84. Finally, for the best security, use a jumble of letters and numbers that make no words. Example is: 7tie0db1. The longer the password (character wise), the harder it will be to be hacked.
use some invisible charecters in ur password that can't be hacked or guess.when u press alt and any other charecter,when u release alt,only on charecter will be put.besides ur password must be a combine of letters and numbers for example a good password is :ca234t <<alt+0160>> good luck