Looking for an old book title?

im looking a for a book called "Dont call me sugar baby!" About a young girl discovers she has diabetes, has a split family upbringing. It was a book i read when i was very young , I would like to get my hands on a copy. It is an old book that was probably published in the late 70's early 80's maybe. I have looked at bookstore websites and have had no luck in finding it. can anybody let me know. Thankyou


Favorite Answer

i dunno i never did like to read but ummm hope u find it


This possibly isn't what you're finding for, yet there's a e book titled "Flying unfastened: Corey's Underground Railroad Diary" by using Sharon Dennis Wyeth. This Corey is a boy and the examining point is for an prolonged time 9-12.


Found it on Amazon.com



you can get it online




Used about $2.95

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