Is it evolution? OR Is it de volution?

The 1st law of thermodynamics states : A closed system reduces. // that means it slows down, oxidizes, gets cooler, looses energy, etc. God created man in His own image-- then sin entered and we got weaker , smaller , slower , dumber , and sickly?

Rance D2006-08-24T16:00:29Z

Favorite Answer

Why do people always assume the evolution has to move up or towards some end? It does not. Evolution is simply a "survival of the fittest" thing. Lifeforms either adapt to their environments or perish. Adaptation & evolution is about survival.


I believe you are right. This world is in a terrible mess from diseased dying mankind.
when they started out perfect lived almost 1000 years
then down to abraham 179 To today when most die before 80
Before modern medicine this continent or 100 years ago they only lived to 30.


Definitely Devo


So thats why we live longer now than we did a hundred years ago?


how can we change this? we can`t