AGP trouble , I am an expert, need an expert to answer this..?
I use a P4 2.4 A (478 pin), murcury 865 pearl motherboard and DDR 400 ( 512 MB ram ). And a 256 MB AGP ( geforce 6200 - NV44A)
I found out after buying that the crapy 6200 , it runs at 64 bit. So I decided to overclock it. I overclocked only 50 mhz on both memory and core( used Nvtweak) . Later after 3 or 4 hours I put things to default. NOW, the windows runs ok. But if i run a game, the screen frezees and restarts. Tried the AGP on an original Intel 865 GBF board. the AGP is fine. My motherboard can't handle 3D apps anymore. Is it possible that i corrupted the intel chipset by overclocking?? is it possible to flash that chip ( not the bios , its ok)
I need the name of a new board ( 865 chipset intel) and would like to know if ATi9550 or 9600 runs at 128 bit.