Help! I live in a Fun House - that is a house of mirrors. How to remove.?
The house is a brick ranch built in 1956, with plaster walls, in the detroit suburbs. In the LR there is an entire wall of mirrors, three 8' by 4' panels abutted to each other. This wall backs to the attached garage. One of the sconces on this wall no longer works (they are ugly besides, and placed wrong). I have thought about painting the living room wall or covering it with fabric, but I really need to get to the electrical, and on the garage side it is finished also- all built in storage. Also, in all the bathrooms, are large (at least 4' x 6') mirrors mounted to the walls, again with cutouts for seriously outdated lighting. My husband is concerned about what is behind them and that I will create a bigger mess by removing the mirrors.
How to safely remove the mirrors? Based on age, type and location of house what is likely to be behind them? Is this a DIY project? If not, what kind of expert do I call in?