Michigan Wolverines Helmet Design?

Is there any meaning/symbolism behind the helmet design of the Michigan Wolverines?

Helmets are usually blank w/ midline strip, have a letter or symbol that represent the team name or university, but I don't get the yellow on blue design of Mighigan's helmet. Can you help me understand?


Thanks for the answers.

I found an interesting website that also helped me answer my question.


Yada Yada Yada2006-08-27T11:14:23Z

Favorite Answer

It was after a title drought back in the 30's when Coach Crisler changed up the helmets and the uniforms to help instill more confidence in his team. He also saw some practical use of being able to see those helments a little more easily downfield.

Here's another reference to these facts:


Go Blue!!


Michigan Wolverines Helmet


Wolverine Helmet


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Michigan Wolverines Helmet Design?
Is there any meaning/symbolism behind the helmet design of the Michigan Wolverines?

Helmets are usually blank w/ midline strip, have a letter or symbol that represent the team name or university, but I don't get the yellow on blue design of Mighigan's helmet. Can you help me understand?


I have no idea where it originated, but Michigan isn't the only major college with that design on their helmets. The University of Delaware has uniforms that look almost exactly like Michigan's uniforms. I don't think it has any meaning or sybolism, but it does look cool.

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