Has anyone noticed that when Christians say "God wants (X)", they really mean "I want (X)?"

Particularly when it comes to political ambitions, obedience to a particular code of behavior, or judging other people? I have yet to hear a preacher talk about something that God supposedly wants that doesn't reflect their personal politics. I don't think it's God talking to them at all (though I'm sure they might think so). I think they are proclaiming their agendas as synonymous to Gods', and I think they are using their position of leadership for their own ends. That goes for everyone from the Pope to Falwell to Graham tp Popoff.


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And this is why I stopped going to Church. Because of people trying to run modern day crusades.


Whoa. That's a pretty broad statement that you make there. As Christians, it is our goal to allign our wants with God's will. Quite frequently, that requires real sacrifice.

"That goes for everyone from the Pope to Falwell to Graham tp Popoff". Really? What was Mother Theresa in it for?


i think of that a lot of human beings use God to forward thier own ends. yet i understand some people who say that God needs such and such, and that they pick the perfect opposite. own adventure: i wanted to kick the residing sh!t out of somebody, in spite of if (for the main section) i'm a pacifist. i wanted to try this, yet i understand that violence is incorrect. I listened to God, and remorseful approximately that i could no longer injury him like he deserved. yet i'm chuffed that I did the suitable ingredient. he's now suffering his own own hell.

Cathy moo moo2006-08-27T01:04:29Z

That could be , esp in china , christianity still quiet new relgion , and i found out that most christians here will use ' god ' s name of saying whats they want actually might not saying what " god " want .

i am christian..but i never say' God wants " .. cuz i am not a represtative of GOD.. i am just one kid from his Garden of Love .. this is why i never believe who has baptized are truly christian faith in their hearts .. i think China just trying to make a standard of being a christian ..

Like An Ibis2006-08-27T00:54:26Z

Has anyone heard the Roger Waters song that goes "What God wants/ God gets?"...

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