What is your perception?

Do you believe in letting destiny happen or making your destiny?

Personally I believe in making my destiny because life is about choices.


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I believe life is only what you make of it because if you dont do nothing, nothing will happen


I'm not sure that someone makes their on destiny, if I understand the meaning of the word. But I do believe that if you work toward the future by taking care of what needs to done each and every day, you will run head long into your destiny. If, on the other hand, you wait to meet your destiny, your destiny will wither and die waiting for you.

Judas Rabbi2006-08-27T19:18:04Z

Letting destiny happen.


Our decisions and actions in life is what MAKES our destiny in the first place.


I always viewed life like one of those choose your own path books from grade school.

For the most part I believe we choose, but some times I think things are laid out in place regardless.

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