I was bit by a tick......?

And I had 100mg of doxyclycline for 10 days. I had the bulls-eye rash and everything. What are the chances of developing lyme disease? Was that a proper prescription or should I have been on it longer?


I did see another dr. but he didn't want to step on toes, he said I was already being treated for it.....


Favorite Answer

My daughter was bit by a tick a few years ago. She had the bulls eye rash. I don't remember the medication but she had to be on medication for 30 days. They weren't positive for Lyme Disease but prescribed it to her to be safe. She's doing great now.


Did you get the medication from a doctor?

If you found the tick, removed its head, went to a doctor asap, got a perscription for an antibiodic, you should be fine.

If you are concerned or have symptoms follow up with your doctor.


way too little, not long enough.. and not the drug of choice. did a Dr perscribe that??? chronic lymes will not kill you but with that dose you strenthened it and that spirochette will be more difficult to kill off when you get real about treatment.. go see another doc.

Bare Azz2006-08-29T04:50:51Z

Do i look like a doctor?