What is the present age of UNIVERSE according to science & according to veda's,puran's & manusmruty ?
Resently it is estimated that the light from galaxy 13.7 billion light year away is reaching to the earth.According to INDIAN concept life of BRAMHAJI is 100 years.1 year=360 days,1 day=4 uga=14 manu.1 manu=71 mahauga & each mahauga contains SATYUGA OF 1728000 YEARS,TRETAUGA OF 1296000 YEARS,DWAPERUGA OF 864000 YEARS AND KALIUGA OF 432000 YEARS. BRAMHAJI has completed 50 years of thou's life & entered in 51's year.At present 13 ghadi,42 pal & 3 vipal of 51's year has been passed.Since BRAMHAJI has created UNIVERSE,life passed by BRAMHAJI is same of UNIVERSE.