What is the present age of UNIVERSE according to science & according to veda's,puran's & manusmruty ?

Resently it is estimated that the light from galaxy 13.7 billion light year away is reaching to the earth.According to INDIAN concept life of BRAMHAJI is 100 years.1 year=360 days,1 day=4 uga=14 manu.1 manu=71 mahauga & each mahauga contains SATYUGA OF 1728000 YEARS,TRETAUGA OF 1296000 YEARS,DWAPERUGA OF 864000 YEARS AND KALIUGA OF 432000 YEARS. BRAMHAJI has completed 50 years of thou's life & entered in 51's year.At present 13 ghadi,42 pal & 3 vipal of 51's year has been passed.Since BRAMHAJI has created UNIVERSE,life passed by BRAMHAJI is same of UNIVERSE.

super stud2006-08-29T04:32:44Z

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google squared


Though the current accepted age is set @ 13.7 billion years. This may be revised upwards if current calculations of an observed object that was recently detected, would almost triple this figure. Estimates based on this observation have concluded that the age of the universe to be @ 41 billion years. But this is still trying to be proofed by further observations. Once we refine ways of observing a distant object, we always find something further away. I would think that this number will continue to expand just as the universe continues to expand.


The age of the universe (currently accepted to be 13.7 billion years), according to the Big Bang theory.


A few billion years?


What in the hell are you talking about? Sounds like cool names for a Japanese animation though!!!!! LOL

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