wat is independent variable and dependent variable?

in science


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An independent variable is a factor that is manipulated in an experiment. The experimenter controls whether or not subjects are exposed to the independent variable.

The dependent variable is measured to determine if the manipulation of the independent variable had any effect.

eric l2006-08-31T05:26:11Z

In an experimental design, the independent variable (also called the explanatory variable) is the variable which is manipulated or selected by the experimenter to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon (the dependent variable). In other words, the experiment will attempt to find evidence that the values of the independent variable determine the values of the dependent variable (which is what is being measured). The independent variable can be changed as required, and its values do not represent a problem requiring explanation in an analysis, but are taken simply as given.
In experimental design, a dependent variable is a factor whose values in different treatment conditions are compared. That is, the experimenter is interested in determining if the value of the dependent variable varies when the values of another variable – the independent variable – are varied, and by how much.


Same in math, by the way.

For instance: temp of a cup of cocoa will decrease if left on the counter over time.

Temp is the dependent variable, it depends on time.

Time happens to be the independent variable. You choose what time you are interested in.

0 minutes, then the temp is such and such.

12 minutes, then the temp is such and such.

Another example: you are adding dye to a water solution. The color of the water solution depends on how much dye you add.

Dependent Variable = solution color (pale to dark)

Independent Variable = ml dye you add to the solution (0 ml to 10 ml).


these two terms are experimental terms, usually used in case of experiment.
independent variable, is the factor that we control, we get to decide how we want it.
whereas the dependent variable is the datas that we obtained in experiment.
for example, you are experimenting esterification. you measure the amount of ethanoate acid and ethanol that you use, so these are the independent variables. whereas the amount of ethyl ethanoate that you obtained during experiment is the dependetn variable.