who should I deal with on the yahoo 360? I am not getting comments and I don't thing my blogs are illegal

I am on the yahoo 360 all the other things on the computer works, except for my blog comments. One day it said 3 comments but when I checked there were none. This went on all weekend. I don't think my blogs are illegal and I resent that. If there are changes in the yahoo 360 they should have been mentioned. This should have been mentioned sooner instead of me finding out this way.


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I go to someones page and post a comment to their blog and come back to my own page and it is adding the comments I post on someone elses page on my blog comment! That was a mouth full. Don't get upset. This is not you. This is beta and beta does not work right. Beta has bugs. You can send beta feedback to Yahoo in order to help them fix the bugs. Tell them what is going on with you. Good luck.


Yeah, I've had the same problems with the comments/no comments thing. As she wrote, it's a beta version and it's gonna have kinks that Yahoo has to work on.


CHeck your setting, if they are set correct something messed up,