My boyfriend still hasn't called me back...Should I turn off my phone and go to bed or leave it on?


He said he was with his sister at 11pm and hed call me in a few and at 12:20 he said he was with his bro and he'd call me in a few. its now 2am and no call.


Favorite Answer

As hard as this will be, turn the phone off and go to bed. If you leave it on and he DOES call, you're telling him it's OK to not follow through on his promises, and it will happen again and again.

Don't let a boy interfere with your beauty rest ;)


Don't count on it, I don't call mine back all the time.

Sometimes us guys just get caught up in something and forget to call. Continue your normal lifestyle and don't worry about it unless you're having rough times or just started dating.

You could always leave it on in case of emergencies, I would suggest that. But go to bed for sure.


If your dying to talk to him or wanting to just hear
his voice then why don't YOU call him!

But if you prefer for him to call you then just
leave the phone on and just go to bed. I'm sure
he will call you eventually. Good night and don't
stress yourself out.


I'd seay leave it on and go to bed. If he calls he calls, if not the he better have a good explanation the next day.


you can take the call for know that want this men or not,sometimes the guys just play with the feelings of the girls and in this case the best is no take the things very serius,be happy and send hugs and kisses!!!!

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