Are there any studies that indicate adult females that grew up with all male sibblings acquire certain traits?

For single female child growing up with 2 or more male sibblings fairly close in age acquire common adult psychological traits? If you're one of them, how do you think you are different or unique compared to other mix or singleton child? Please state both positive and negative impacts. Source of scientific papers will also be appreciated.


Favorite Answer

well, i dont have web links right now, but i am doc by profession and i bet they do aquire common traits. Also, since they grow up in same enviornment, they experience same life, but depending on their basic personality, they may react differently, but still in long run they realize they have something in common and they can best friends........after all they only know what life they have gone through and nobody else can tell better...
have a great day...and dont think too much. Live life, dont keep thinking about it.