Sadam Hussein is by far the worst victim of 9-11backlash. What’s your take?

•Sadam Hussein was accused of possessing weapons of mass destruction but he did not.
•He was accused of having a link with al-Qaeda but he never had.
•He was accused of plotting an attack on America but he actually offered to make friends with USA. President Bush refused or rather afraid to meet him.
•His removal from power by force has caused so much destruction in Iraq that America and Britain are solely responsible for the holocaust in that country! They are also responsible for its complete reconstruction.
•The trial of Sadam should end forthwith and he should be set free immediately.
• In fact, if he is given a second chance to assume power, he would be able to bring back normalcy in Iraq within one month!


Thanks folks for your views. But reality let us face reality folks! These are facts just reaffirmed in a Senate report. Truth is TERROR (T) network has only widened and keeps expanding with the US-led invasion of Iraq. And, the original T hot-spot – Afghanistan - remains as explosive as before. Pakistan already on the T-list is getting worsened, ironically with all kinds of American help! North Korea is on the verge of a nuclear test while Iran is on the way! USA is battling a never-ending war on T overseas alright, but the arrows of attack remain pointed at America and Americans everywhere awaiting launch anytime! FREE maybe people of America are but filled with constant FEAR they are! As a former President said, ‘the only thing we have to fear is, the fear itself’!


Favorite Answer

You're on the money! So true- so true.

niffer's mom2006-09-11T15:37:11Z

The war in Iraq has very little, if anything to do with 9/11.
The whole Iraq mess started long before 9/11.
This war was brought about by Iraq's continual, repetetive non-cooperation with the UN security council, and the fact that the UN would not enforce their own sanctions.
Though it is often blamed on Bush, it was actually UN inspectors who reported that Iraq possessed banned weaponsand later reported that Iraq had not taken action to disarm as they were ordered to do by the UN.
He is standing trial for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Not because we just don't like him. The trial is being conducted by Iraqis.
Look, I think the war stinks as much as anyone else thinks so, but I'm not going to assume that everyone involved did not play a part in this outcome. I'm absolutely not willing to agree with your ststement that Hussein is the worst victim of anything, for any reason. I think, that in order to make logical judgements about any given situation, you have to do the best you can to try and determine what the facts are. I agree it is hard to do considering that our "fair, honest, impartial media" is actually a propagandist forum. If you'll remember in the days after Hussein was removed from power, Iraqis were quite happy that we were there. It's only been the slow pace with which any progress to repair the country is being made, and the fact that violence still reigns, mostly due to internal secular divisions, that Iraqis have been negative towards the presence of American soldiers. A government can't be created overnight, and the issue is compounded by the makeup of Iraq itself. The infrastructure of the country was in shambles before the war. It takes money and time to fix these things.
If you want to blame our president, or our government for the war, that's certainly your prerogative, and I won't say that you are wrong. I, personally, am just tired of the railroading, and scapegoating that has continued well past the point of relativity.
The widespread acceptance of such one sided theories is disturbing. That's my take, and I'm sticking to it! At least until further credible developments are made public.


While I have never supported the war in Iraq, and while I do feel that most Iraqis today would be better off if we had not invaded, I have no sympathy for Saddam. He was a despot. He did abuse his power. He was a megalomaniac.

I do not believe that releasing him now would stabilize Iraq. His 'tribe', the Sunnus, are a minority in Iraq and attempts to put him back in power would result in outright civil war (not that it isn't now, but they have a common enemy... the US). The Sunni control of Iraq was imposed by the British half a century ago, that system has been broken down completely by the war. The Kurds will never agree to him as the leader again, they fought him before, they will do so doubly if he tried to take back power (and would likely suffer greatly). The Shiites have 'tasted power' and will not allow the Sunnis to take it back.

You suggestion will not work. It would likely make things even worse than they are now.

PS - Saddam had no Al Qaida connection. Every bi-partisan study on this issue has shown there was no Saddam/911 connection and that Saddam posed no serious threat to the USA.


You must be a Sunii muslim as your blood becomes warm thinking of dear Sadaam?
Muslim world is used to be ruled either by mullahs like Iran, etc or by Kings and dictators.
Can you name a single moderate muslim coutry in the world and where a large number of non-muslims also live ferlessly and peacefully.
Turkey comes to your mind; it id 99% muslim. Any other. I do not see any.
Pakistan after partition from India, all Hindus were killed in Pakistan whereas 15% of India's population is still muslim and living comfortably in India.
Bangladesh 30 years back had 47% Hindu population and now only 5% left.
Lebananon was a modern coutry with only 40% of muslim population many years ago. Now with Hizbollah influence, 80% is muslim population.
Does it tell you anything. Muslims cannot live peacefully with non-muslims whereever they are in majority. And wherever they are in minority they would find some excuse ti fight with the majority and then slowly convert it into a jehad , defending themselves. Look around in any part of the world.
Do you like Saddam because he ruled by killing thousands of Kurds and Shias. Saddam should be hanged real fast . We had enough of cortroom drams.
The problem in Iraq is essentially a fight between Sunnis and Shias as Sunnis can not take it power sharing by majority Shias. They were spoilt by Saddam.
I think breaking Iraq into 3 pieces is a very good idea.
America made a mistake in understanding the psyche of muslims in that part of the world. They never thought that if Saddam goes then Hizbollah takes control. That is the way Islamic countries work---Islam and healthy democracy do not compliment each other.
America can not fight the radical Islamists in every part of the world. So that is why they have to make deals with dictators to contain these Wahabi or mullah radiclas in countries like Saudi, Pakistan, etc. And when situation in any country becomes out of control and start threatening the world trade and peace, then America has to and must intervene.
Islamic radical monsters can remain in their own countries and remain contained, is fine to me. But when they start affecting others, then problem. Like Saddam had become a state sponser of terrorism supporting Palistine terrorists. Iran is nect threat --state sponser of Hizbollah --another hard core terrorist organization.
If they do not behave, their time would come too.

Heidi 42006-09-11T14:49:27Z

The Senate and Congress had the same info on weapons of mass destruction when they voted on this war. He just had a chance to move these weapons.

Are any of your loved ones buried in any of the mass graves for which Saddam ordered? Has Saddam's henchmen tortured any of your family? Did you go hungry while Saddam furnished his palaces?

Normalcy? When was normalcy ever in Iraq while Saddam was in power?

Why don't you try living in a country with a dictator for a while and then IF YOU CAN GET OUT, tell your own story.

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