Question for conspiracy people?

OK all you conspiracy theorists, time to find the one lone brain among all of you, dust it off, and try to use use it. How do you go about saying that Bush planned these attacks yet you also say he's a moron? How is it that someone you make fun of for not being able pronounce "Nuclear" was able to orchestrate such a catastrophic event? If he is really as dumb as you say he is, how was he smart enough to pull this off? And don't give those "you're just a hand puppet for Bush" kind of replies. I want you to supply me evidence of how someone you call an idiot can pull off something do devistating like this?

And better yet, answer me this: If Bush was behind 9/11, then was Clinton behind the 1993 WTC bombings, the 1998 US Embassy Bombings, and the 2000 USS Cole bombings? All of them were linked to Al Qaeda. Did Clinton mastermind those attacks? Because if Bush set up 9/11, then by all reason Clinton was behind the attacks that happened on his watch.

mark g2006-09-12T02:23:40Z

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Because they either want to blame Bush due to the fact they hate him. So they direct their hate that direction without care of the real guilty party. (Want them on a jury?) Some cannot deal mentally that there are people that do not know them that want to kill them and us
KenHallonthenet - Norad only controlled airspace and planes coming into the US from overseas or other countries at that time. They did not track domestic airliners. That has been changed
The hijackers were on the flight lists and the Airline employee that sold them their tickets was on Oprah for Gods sake (Was Oprah in on it too?)
Silverstien pulled tower 7. he was pulling the rescuers not the building. To do a implosion of a building takes not only explosives but miles of steel cable. (Watch the discovery channel) I think the employees would have noticed don't you? As far as the time lines, I work in 911 emergency dispatch and it is not unusual for two agencies to have different times for an incident. Depending on when they were informed. I get a call here by the time I can inform the Ambulance might be two minutes later by the time I get enough information such as a correct address. They may be on scene for awhile before they notify me.


This has been asked about a dozen times!

Bush might be stupid, but the other president isn't!

The people involved with the 1993 WTC were prosecuted and the USS Cole's planner was executed by the CIA! The Embassy Bombers were caught and prosecuted. The Cole and the Embassy did not happen in the US, but they were all responses to our attacks on them!

These incidents were peanuts when compared to the catastrophe of 9/11!

I don't know if there was a conspiracy! I do know that much of what happened is not scientifically possible and I believe that the government is not telling us the truth!

They may have known when it was going to be pulled off and enhanced it, who knows!

I don't see how, if you have 1/2 a brain can conclude that 9/11 happened the way the government said it happened!


Both Clinton and Bush are puppets of the senate. Clinton was a sorry excuse for a President because he was toyed from the beggining and was never the wiser. He was totally oblivious. As for Bush, I don't think he orchestrated this, not on his own anyway. I do find it highly suspicious however that Goerge Bush jr. and sr. attended Yale and are a part of Skull and Bones, yales secret fraternity, whos motto is to ensure wealth for each other in the brotherhood. Funny how John Kerry is a member as well. Funny how Clinton wasn't. Funny how John F. Kennedy wasn't either. Hows that for a lone brain.

But now you answer me this. How is it that on Sept 11 1990, George Bush sr. gave his infamous speech on the Gulf War and specifically uses the term "our fifth objective -- a new world order", and yet it is highly suspicious that the worst attacks of terrorism on American soil just happened to be on September 11th eleven years later (anyone else see the symbolism here?), and we (the free thinking people) are supposed to pass it off as nothing?

The speech does exist. I quote: "We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge".

The source?

So now, smart guy, explain that.

By the way, one that asks questions rather than accept what they've been told is one who uses their brain. Again, hows that for a lone brain.


I do not know of a single serious intelligent person who can see massive holes in the 'official' version of 911 and who also believes that Bush had anything to do with 911. Bush was out of the loop that day.

It is easy to critisize conspiracy theorists, as there are some very stupid ones, for example, the aliens did it theory, the mexicans did it theory, Bush did it. All equally bollocks in my opinion. Now put your brain in gear and actually answer some questions.:

Why the General in charge of NORAD, on 911, got PROMOTED? very shortly after 911? (and yes they do operate and observe all of the US airspace). That day that they failed utterly to protect american airspace.

The air traffic controller that cut up the tapes and placed the bits in different bins so as to destroy the evidence of what happened, was not charged with the crime of tampering with evidence. Why not?

How come NONE of the hijackers were on the flight passenger lists? How did the passport survive? How did the luggage with the alledged last will and testament survive? at tha crash and onother one didn't get on the plane at all?

How did several of the hijackers survive as reported on the BBC?

The FBI admitted that they had the list of hijackers wrong as there may, or may not have been fraudulent ID's used. the FBI, a lot later, said that fraudulent ID's had not been used. and all the hijackers used their real names. If that is the case explain to me the case of Waleed Al-Shehri, He acknowledges that he attended flight training school at Dayton Beach in the United States, and is indeed the same Waleed Al-Shehri to whom the FBI has been referring. But, he says, he left the United States in September 2000, and became a pilot with Saudi Arabian Airlines, and he says he was in Marrekesh when the attack took place.

How come the money trail of 'put options' lead back to the CIA and not some Al queda terrorists as was hoped?

How come when data was successfully being recovered from the Hard drives recovered from the 2 towers, an American company bought the German company doing the work and closed them down? They were uncovering some very unusual financial transactions that had taken place in the minutes leading up to the attack and these could have led investigators to more of the culprits responsible for funding, or profiting from the attacks. either way it would have led to people with prior knowledge of the attacks. These investigations where shut down.

How come the leasholder of the WTC, Larry Silverstien admitted to pulling WTC 7? watch the vid, it is clearly a controlled demolition. The 2 towers fell from the top down, spreading their debris over a wide area, the WTC 7 fell inwards to it's own footprint from the floor up.

I am not supporting any particular Conspiracy theory here, but the official conspiracy as put forward by the 911 commision (that has had to acknowledge mistakes since publication, like the FAA and NORAD had completely different timelines for the attacks.) does NOT answer these questions.

What is wrong with seeking answers to questions that are not answered by the official version? especially when the official version contradicts the facts of the day? We are not out to destabalise the American Government, we are not helping the terrorists, we are not liberals, I am a conservative! and as a conservative I believe in truth and justice and integrity (sadly lacking in the neo-cons) and just want the truth.

As for Clinton being behind the Cole bombings and the first WTC attacks in '93? I think Clinton was just as out of the loop as Bush was in 2001. Whenever the PTB do anything illegal, they keep the sitting President as far out of the loop as possible for plausable deniability.

By your argument you are merely replacing one stupid conpiracy theory with another and this gets us no closer to the truth.

Scott B2006-09-12T01:31:59Z

I am not at all familiar with any conspiraccy theorists who say President Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks. I do know there has been no significant coverage of any such theories in CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN broadscasts I have seen over 5 years. Or in the New York Times, LA Times or Seattle P.I. Nor have I seen any stories about such a theory on the services of the Associated Press, UPI, or other major wire services.

However I have seen stories in all these media which quoted a variety of people or organizations who say they belieeve President Bush wanted to go to war against Iraq from the several months or years prior to his becoming president until he claimed falsely as it turned out that Saddam Hussein was connected with Al Quida and that he possessed "weapons of mass destruction." It turned out that Hussein had indeed dismantled such weaponry after the first Iraq war during his father's administration. It also turned out that his father and other American Presidents had in fact provided aid to the Hussein government and indeed SENT tthat government weapons of mass destruction when IOraq was engaged in war with Iran AND in order to HELP HUSSEIN protect his country FROM Osama Bin Laden.

If these are the "conspiracy" "theories" to which you refer,,, I suggest readign back issues of the above newspapers and wire services from the 1980's and 1990's,,, ask for any records of such aid from the Department Of Defense and the Department of State under the Freedom of Information act, or best perhaps, contact the above news organizations to ask for sources of information on the issues I have mentioned.

Your Congressman or Senator can also provide you either the legislative authority for these actions and the aid packages. So can the White House.

History departments at your local colleges and/or their libraries can also direct you to the authroitative sources.

I hope this helps you.

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